Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quigley Returns From His Travels To A Country Divided

"Quigs, I must say things have been off in your absence.  And I also have to say that I've been a bit of a hermit.  I forget how much of a force you are in my life my good friend.  I do believe if it were not for you I might just regress into a permanent state of ennui and wistfulness."

"Mais no, Mews!  It is you that inspires me!  If it were not for your clear mindedness and rational demeanor I'd have become a flinty old malcontent years ago.   Because of you I am able to have a civil conversation with my social and political rivals without pecking their eyes out!  Flight, as you know, gives me a much needed new perspective.  Everyone looks quite the same at a few hundred feet especially when you can't hear the trifle bickering and name-calling."

"Perhaps we provide a perfect balance for each other Quigs.  Like an exceptional wine-neither too acidic nor too sweet.  Now, tell me about your trip to La Tour Eiffel." 


  1. There's No Place Like Home ~~Dorothy

  2. Great to have you back Quigs. Civility is a lost art.

  3. Oh we are glad to see that Quigley is back home! Those travel stories are going to be amazing for sure!

  4. I am so glad Quigley is safely back and I must say, I like his take on things.


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